Rekindling Intimacy

Experience the fulfillment of a conscious relationtionship

Stop Living Like Groundhog Day

by Sep 29, 2021Relationships0 comments


It’s Groundhog Day!

Groundhog Day, with Bill Murray and Andy McDowell is one of my all-time favorite movies. It’s hilarious watching Bill Murray’s character, Phil, stuck in a time loop and reliving Groundhog Day over & over, ad infinitum.

Each day is unfolding exactly the same, with complete predictability, until Phil realizes that he has the power to influence how the day will go, by making some changes. He begins to do some things differently until finally – he gets it right, Groundhog Day passes, and he’s now in the next day.

How does your life and / or relationship resemble Groundhog Day? Do you find yourself not looking forward to the next day? Do you wake up uninspired & unexcited because you know that this day is going to know just like any other? Do you find yourself not going out of your way to do anything because you don’t think it will make a difference?

The first step in shifting the status quo is to decide that you want things to flow differently and commit to doing whatever is necessary. You may be looking to your partner to make some changes also albeit it’s important to keep your focus on the one thing that you can change – you. Specifically, your mindset, actions & reactions. Just as in the movie, you must do something different in order to initiate changes. It’s pretty obvious that if nothing changes then nothing changes.

Don’t put too much thought into this as it’s more about busting up the routine and shifting the energy to flow a different way. Simple things like brush your teeth with the opposite hand, use a different coffee mug, do things in a different sequence. Be aware of how you typically react to things and make a conscientious effort to respond in a different way. With your partner, do things for them they wouldn’t expect, hug them spontaneously, say ‘I love you’ a bit more frequently.

It’s important to choose things that feel good for you as this will influence the energetic shifts to flow in the direction you want.
Obviously, if there is a serious problem then action must be taken to resolve that. In my experience, the more positive my energy is, the quicker problems are resolved and the more favorable the outcomes will be.

In summary, when you commit to doing something different, you are guaranteeing that no day is going to be the same again. When your partner begins to see the shifts in you and they experience the improvement in your energy, they will want to start making some changes themselves, and will be more open to discussing things you can work on together.

If you want support & guidance, my coaching will assist in determining the changes you desire, identifying & resolving any energetic blocks and help create the fulfilling life journey you desire.

See my Services page for more details.

#rekindlingintimacy #intimacy #coach #lifecoach #relationshipcoach #intimacycoach #consciousintimacy
#energyhealer #cordcutting #relationship #marriage


The beautiful thing about Human Design is that it shows you a picture of your true self and explains why you think, feel and act the way that you do. And that it is perfectly okay. It is simply who you were made to show up in this world as. And, when you do that, you’ll be amazed at how much smoother life seems to flow.


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*References to Human Design book by Chetan Parkyn



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